Wenonah Chapter, NSDAR

Winona, Minnesota

Princess Wenonah

Winona, Minnesota

Wenonah Chapter, NSDAR, Regent

Wenonah Chapter, NSDAR, Welcomes You!


Thank you for researching our chapter’s website! The Wenonah Chapter,  National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR), of Winona, Minnesota, was reorganized in 2021 to the present chapter of 14 members, all dedicated to the National DAR Organization. DAR is a service organization, fulfilling our objectives of promoting history, education, and patriotism. 

If you are interested in more information click the link below.

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About Our Chapter

The National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution was organized on October 11, 1890, in Washington, D.C. Eighteen women became charter members of the society whose sole purpose was to perpetuate the memory of patriots, whose courage and zeal helped this country achieve its independence during the Revolutionary War.

In 1895 the society was organized in Minnesota with three chapters in Saint Paul, Minneapolis, and Duluth. Through the years since, more chapters have been developed throughout other cities. Currently there are 21 chapters in Minnesota.

The Wenonah Chapter in Winona, Minnesota was reorganized in 2021 with 14 members as of December 2022, and two potential members finalizing their paperwork soon. Our members are mothers, grandmothers, schoolteachers, nurses, business women and so much more. Our common thread is that we believe in God, love this country, and believe in preserving our country’s history and securing our country’s future through better education for our children.

We Promote Historic Preservation, Patriotism, and Education

Our chapter supports national and state historic preservation projects as well as supports our community in the preservation of historical artifacts.

Our chapter supports national and state patriotism projects as well as supports our local veterans and hosts celebratory events such as the Fourth of July and Veterans Day.

Our chapter supports national and state education projects as well as works with our community through our projects to support education via scholarships and educational events.

We Make a Difference in Our Communities

The Wenonah Chapter presented a flag to the Woodlawn Cemetery Board President on June 18, 2022.  This flag will fly over the grave of Stephen Taylor, the only American Revolutionary War veteran buried in Minnesota.

Wenonah Chapter members (pictured here with the patriotic tree) decorated a tree for the Winona Health auxiliary 2021 Fantasy of Tress and More. Proceeds from the sale of submitted trees are used for patient and resident health care projects at the Winona Hospital.

Saturday, August 13, 2022, found several members of Wenonah Chapter on a DAR field trip of Whitewater and Beaver cemeteries.  The tour was led by a Whitewater State Park naturalist and historian.  The tour included the ghost town of Beaver in Whitewater Township, which in the early 1900’s had 500 citizens, but the town was abandoned when in one year flooding occurred 28 times. Members were told that the state of Minnesota bought the ghost town to make a reserve, and the town hall has been recently remodeled to avoid further flooding damage. A few tombstones, in the Beaver cemetery, which is located higher up on a hill, thus not involved in any past flooding issues, identified the cause of death of the entombed children to be diphtheria.

Become a Member of DAR

Today’s Daughters of the American Revolution is a vibrant service organization for women over the age of 18 who can prove lineal descent from a Patriot of the American Revolutionary War. In October 2019, DAR surpassed one million women who have joined the DAR since its founding in 1890. By subscribing to the DAR Today podcast, you can learn about members’ activities, Patriot histories, current topics and more.

Minnesota Daughters come from all over our great state and beyond. They are young women who join to honor a family member, older women who enjoy genealogical research in their retirement years, professional women interested in connecting with other women in the community where they live and others. Whatever your reason for joining, we invite you to connect, encourage you to apply and welcome you to our organization.

The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution

"We want a society founded on service "

- DAR Founder Eugenia Washington

Are you descended from a Patriot who served in the American Revolutionary War? Founded in 1890 by four forward-thinking patriotic women in Washington, D.C., today’s DAR has welcomed over one million women as members throughout our history. We are a service organization supporting historical, educational, and patriotic initiatives in communities in America and beyond.

Join Us! We welcome all women, age 18 and older, who claim lineal descent from a Patriot of the American Revolutionary War.

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